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The subject matter of this Sales Contract Pre-Information Form includes the rights and obligations of the parties with respect to the sales and delivery of the product(s) with the qualifications and sales price indicated below sold by the SELLER to the BUYER/ORDERING PARTY in accordance with the Law no. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers' Regulation on Implementation Principles and Procedures of Distance Contracts (Official Gazette:27.11.2014/29188) . By accepting this pre-information form, the BUYER acknowledges to be obliged to pay the price subject to order and shipping fee if it exists, and additional charges such as taxes and to have been informed in advance regarding this matter.


Title: Tiryaki Güzellik Hizmetleri Ltd. Company
Address: Hüsrev Gerede Cad. Teşvikiye Mah. 86/1 Sevinç Apt. Nişantaşı / Şişli / İstanbul
Telephone: +92122616160 (The phone number will not be shared on the website and with customers)
E-mail: [email protected]

3. BUYER INFORMATION (Hereinafter referred to as BUYER.)

To be delivered to:
 Delivery address:

4. ORDERING INFORMATION(Hereinafter referred to as the ORDERING PARTY)

Name, Surname/Title:


5.1. Basic specifications (type, amount, brand/model, color, number) of the Goods/Product(s)/ Service(s) is available on the web site of the SELLER. You can review the basic specifications of the product during the campaign. Valid until the date of the campaign.

5.2. The prices listed and announced on the website are the sales price. The announced prices and commitments are valid until they are updated and modified. The prices announced to be temporary are valid until the end of the specified period.

5.3. Sales price of the goods and services including all taxes subject to the contract is displayed on the table below.


Product DescriptionPieceUnit PriceTotal
(including VAT)
Shipping Amount   

Payment Method and Plan

Delivery Address

Delivery Person

Invoice address

Order Date

Delivery date

Delivery method


The shipping fee, which is the product shipping cost, shall be paid by the BUYER.


6.1. The BUYER accepts, declares and commits that he/she has read and has been informed about the basic qualifications, sales price and payment method of the product subject to the contract and preliminary information about the delivery and approved electronically as required. The BUYER, accepts, declared and commits to confirm preliminary information electronically and to acquire the address to be given to the BUYER by the SELLER, basic characteristics of the ordered products, the price of the products including taxes, payment and delivery information correctly and completely prior to the establishment of the distance sales contract.

6.2. Each product subject to the Contracts shall be delivered to the BUYER or to the person and/or organization assigned by the BUYER within the period indicated in the preliminary information section on the website, based on the distance of the BUYER's residence, provided that the period of 30 days isn't exceeded. The BUYER reserves the right to terminate the contracts in case the product is not delivered to the BUYER within this period.

6.3. The SELLER accepts, declares and commits to deliver the contractual product completely, in accordance with the specifications specified in the order, with warranty documents and manuals if any, to perform the work in accordance with the standards in accordance with the principles of honesty, to perform the work with the information and documents required by the job in accordance with the standards and in accordance with the principles of accuracy and honesty and legal regulations and free from any defects, to maintain and improve the service quality, to pay due attention and diligence during the performance of the work, to act with caution and foresight.

6.4. The SELLER may provide a product having an equal quality and price with the explicit approval and information of the BUYER before the contractual performance obligation expires.

6.5. The SELLER accepts, declares and commits that if the fulfillment of the service or product subject to the order becomes impossible, the consumer shall be notified in writing within 3 days from the date of being informed about this issue and shall return the total cost to the BUYER within a period of 14 days.

6.6 The BUYER agrees, declares and commits to confirm this Pre-Information form electronically for the delivery of the product subject to the contract and the SELLER shall terminate the obligation to deliver the product subject to the contract, if for any reason the total price of the contracted product is not paid and/or canceled in the bank records.

6.7. After the delivery of the product in the Contract to the person and/ or to the organization located at the address indicated by the BUYER or to the BUYER, if the credit card of the BUYER is unfairly or unlawfully used by unauthorized persons in a manner not caused by the BUYER's fault and as a result of this the cost of the aforementioned product is not paid by the related bank or financial institution to the SELLER, the BUYER must return the product (s) of the Contract to the SELLER within 3 days provided that the shipping cost shall be covered by the SELLER.

6.8 The SELLER accepts, declares and commits to inform the BUYER about the situation if the product of the Contract cannot be delivered in due time due to force majeure conditions such as existence of unforeseeable conditions preventing and/or causing a delay for the parties to fulfill their obligations. The BUYER shall have the right to request the cancellation of the order, the replacement of the contractual product with its precedent and/or until the condition that prevents delivery is eliminated. In case of the cancellation of the order by the BUYER, the amount of the product is paid to the BUYER in cash and lump sum within 14 days for the payments made by the BUYER in cash. In the case of the payments made by the credit card of the BUYER, the amount of the product shall be returned to the bank within 14 days of the cancellation of the order by the BUYER. The BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that the process of the average period for the return of the amount returned to the credit card by the SELLER to the BUYER account by the bank can be 2-3 weeks and since depositing this amount to the accounts of the CONSUMER after this amount is returned the bank, is completely related to the bank process, the BUYER shall not hold the SELLER responsible for possible delays.



Invoice Delivery: The invoice shall be delivered to the invoice address with the order
 during order delivery.



8.1. BUYER may use his right of withdrawal from the distance contracts relating to the sale of the product within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery to the BUYER or to the person/organization indicated by the BUYER without taking any legal and criminal responsibility and without giving any justification. In case of distance contracts related with service offerings, this period starts as of the date of signing the contract. Before the expiry of the right of withdrawal, the right of withdrawal may not be used in the service contracts that are executed with the approval of the consumer. The costs arising from the use of the right of withdrawal belong to the SELLER. By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts in advance that they have been informed about the right of withdrawal.

8.2. In order to use the right of withdrawal, The SELLER shall be notified by registered mail, fax or email within 14 (fourteen) days and the product should not have been used within the framework of the provisions of the "Products With No Right of Withdrawal" arranged with the scope of this Contract. In case this right is used, The invoice of the product delivered to the Person or the BUYER ( If the invoice of the product desired to be returned is corporate, it must be sent back with the return invoice issued by the invoice. Order refunds issued on behalf of the invoice institutions shall  not be completed unless the return invoice is issued.)

8.2.2. Return form,

8.2.3. The box packaging of the product to be returned should be delivered complete and undamaged with the standard accessories.

8.2.4. The SELLER is obliged to return the total cost and documents which obligates the BUYER at latest within 10 days from the receipt of the withdrawal notification and is obliged to accept return of the goods within 20 days.

8.2.5. If there is a reduction in the product value because of a defect of the BUYER or the return becomes impossible, the BUYER is liable to indemnify the damages of the SELLER at the rate of the defects. The BUYER shall not be liable for any changes and deteriorations that may occur if the products are used in accordance with its operation, technical specifications and usage instructions within the right of withdrawal period.

8.2.6. In case of going below the campaign limit amount issued by the SELLER due to the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the discount amount used within the scope of the campaign shall be canceled.


9.1. a) Contracts for goods or services having price variations due to fluctuations in financial markets and which are not under the control of the SELLER or provider.

b) Contracts relating to goods prepared in line with the wishes or personal needs of the consumer.

c) Contracts for the delivery of goods which may be quickly degraded or that may expire.

d) From the goods whose protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package have been opened after delivery; contracts for the delivery of goods which are not appropriate to be returned in terms of health and hygiene.

e) Contracts for goods which, after delivery, are intermixed with other products and which are inherently impossible to be segregated.

f) Contracts on books, digital content and computer consumables, data saving and data storing devices provided in the material environment in case the protective elements such as packaging, tape, seal, package are opened after the delivery of the goods.

g) Contracts for the delivery of periodicals such as newspapers and magazines other than those provided under the subscription contract.

h) Contracts to be made at a specific date or period for accommodation, transport of goods, car rental, food and beverage supply and the use of leisure time for fun or recreational purposes.

h) Contracts related to services performed instantly in an electronic environment or contracts related to goods and services delivered instantly to the consumer.

i) Contracts for services commenced with the consent of the consumer before the right of withdrawal expires.

In order to return cosmetics and personal care products, underwear products, swimwear, bikinis, books, copyable software and programs, DVD, VCD, CD and cassettes and stationery consumables (toner, cartridge, ribbon etc.) their packages must be unopened, untried, intact and unused.

9.2. Complaints and objections of the BUYER shall be made within the monetary limits determined in the laws below, to the arbitral tribunal or to the consumer court located at the consumer's place of residence or where the consumer transaction is carried out. Information on the monetary limit is as follows:

Effective from 01/01/2019, the value of the applications to be made to the consumer arbitration committees for 2019:

Accordingly, in the applications to be made to the Consumer Arbitration Committees, District Consumer Arbitration Committees shall be assigned in disputes with a value of less than 5,650 Turkish Liras in the provinces with metropolitan municipality status, Provincial Consumer Arbitration Committees shall be assigned in disputes with a value of 5,650 Turkish Liras and 8,480 Turkish Liras in the provinces with metropolitan municipality status, and Provincial Consumer Arbitration Committees shall be assigned in disputes with a value of less than 8,480 Turkish Liras in the centers and affiliated districts of the provinces without metropolitan municipality status. This Contract is made for commercial purposes.






SELLER:Tiryaki Güzellik Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.


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